Cleantech is not a singular industry. There are many industries that have Cleantech opportunities. The maturity of the specific Cleantech target industry, its Phase, can have a powerful influence on Cleantech business success. While Phase issues do exist in other industries, Phase challenges in Cleantech targets are considerably more pronounced. Target industry Phase should be considered in market selection, business...
Read MoreCalifornia Prop 23 Defeated
Oil Rigs operate in LA California Proposition 23, backed by oil companies Tesoro and Valero, has been defeated by California voters. This is good news for green jobs and Cleantech ventures. This Proposition would have set aside California’s Clean Energy Bill, AB 32, passed in 2006. Among other things, AB 32 requires that the State meet a Kyoto Protocol-styled requirement for greenhouse gas emissions. Under AB 32, greenhouse...
Read MoreSunset for AMAT’s SunFab Part 2: Strategic Challenge
On July 21, AMAT announced that it would ‘restructure’ its SunFab business. Last week’s Part 1 of Sunset for AMAT’s SunFab considered the broader industry context in counterpoint to the official reasons provided for the closing of the SunFab business. AMAT blamed competitive pressures from crystalline silicon, government policy uncertainty, capital availability constraints and the speed of utility-scale adoption. What...
Read MorePEM Fuel Cell Development
This paper discussed Ballard’s 1996 advances in the development of PEM (proton exchange membrane) fuel cell stationary power plants. It also covered Ballard’s commercialization plan and its then current status, providing a unique insight into the electric generation market of 1996, and considering the role that fuel cells could play in a deregulated electric utility market. Download PDF (right-click,...
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